Embark on a Journey of Excellence with Our Online Master’s in Special Education Program

Welcome to the University of Kansas, home to a renowned online Master’s in Special Education program designed to help you make a real difference in the lives of students with disabilities. Our program offers the flexibility of online learning, allowing you to pursue your passion for inclusive teaching while maintaining your current commitments.

With over 50 years of experience in special education, we are pioneers in online education and have developed a program that caters to the unique needs of educators, professionals, and family members. Our online Master’s in Special Education program offers multiple specializations, including high incidence disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, secondary special education and transition, and special education leadership.

At the University of Kansas, we believe in the power of real-world application. Our internationally acclaimed faculty will guide you through a curriculum grounded in practical knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply in your work with students with disabilities. Each specialization is designed to empower you with the resources and techniques needed to positively impact your students and your school.

By choosing our online Master’s in Special Education program, you will have the opportunity to gain a toolkit of inclusive teaching resources and techniques, benefit from the mentorship of internationally acclaimed faculty, and explore a rewarding career in special education. Join us on this journey of excellence and enhance outcomes for students with disabilities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Our online Master’s in Special Education program provides the flexibility of online learning for inclusive teaching.
  • We offer specializations in high incidence disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, secondary special education and transition, and special education leadership.
  • Our program is grounded in real-world application, providing practical knowledge and skills to make a positive impact.
  • You will benefit from the mentorship of internationally acclaimed faculty.
  • Choose our online Master’s in Special Education program to embark on a rewarding career in special education.

Over 50 years of special education excellence

The University of Kansas has been at the forefront of special education for over half a century, offering exceptional programs that prepare professionals to make a difference. With their commitment to excellence and innovation, they have also become pioneers in online education, providing accessible and flexible learning opportunities for special education professionals.

At the University of Kansas, special education professionals can choose from a range of programs that cater to their specific needs and career goals. The university offers master’s degrees, graduate certificates, and licensure endorsements, ensuring that professionals can find the right program to enhance their skills and expand their knowledge in the field of special education.

Throughout their programs, students are equipped with the necessary tools, strategies, and insights to enrich the lives of students with disabilities. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical application, the University of Kansas prepares special education professionals to enhance outcomes and create inclusive learning environments.

With a legacy of excellence spanning over five decades, the University of Kansas continues to be a leader in special education. By embracing online education, they have made their programs more accessible to professionals across the country, furthering the reach and impact of their special education initiatives.

Choose from multiple specializations

If you’re looking to specialize in a particular area of special education, the University of Kansas offers a range of options to meet your needs. Students can choose from the following specializations:

  1. High Incidence Disabilities
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorder
  3. Secondary Special Education and Transition
  4. Special Education Leadership

These specializations provide in-depth knowledge and skills in specific areas of special education, allowing you to focus on your areas of interest and career goals. Whether you’re passionate about supporting students with high incidence disabilities, working with individuals on the autism spectrum, or leading special education programs, there is a specialization that aligns with your aspirations.

In addition to offering a variety of specializations, the University of Kansas provides different educational pathways to suit your needs. You can choose from master’s degrees, graduate certificates, or licensure endorsements, depending on your career goals and level of expertise. This flexibility enables you to customize your education and gain the specialized skills and credentials necessary to excel in your chosen field.

Here’s a visual representation of the different specializations and the corresponding education options available:

Specialization Master’s Degree Graduate Certificate Licensure Endorsement
High Incidence Disabilities Master of Science in Education Graduate Certificate in High Incidence Disabilities Licensure Endorsement in High Incidence Disabilities
Autism Spectrum Disorder Master of Science in Education Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder Licensure Endorsement in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Secondary Special Education and Transition Master of Science in Education Graduate Certificate in Secondary Special Education and Transition Licensure Endorsement in Secondary Special Education and Transition
Special Education Leadership Master of Science in Education Graduate Certificate in Special Education Leadership Licensure Endorsement in Special Education Leadership

By choosing a specialization and the corresponding educational pathway, you can acquire the specialized knowledge and credentials needed to make a significant impact in the field of special education. Whether you’re seeking to advance your career, broaden your expertise, or enter a new role, the University of Kansas provides the resources and support you need to succeed.

Amplify your impact with programs grounded in real-world application

The special education programs at the University of Kansas are dedicated to equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to make a positive impact in their work with students with disabilities. Through a focus on real-world application, these programs empower educators, professionals, and family members to create inclusive learning environments and support the diverse needs of students.

By immersing students in practical experiences and hands-on learning opportunities, the programs enable them to develop a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities present in the field of special education. Whether through internships, fieldwork, or simulated classroom environments, students acquire the practical expertise necessary to address complex issues and effectively advocate for the needs of individuals with disabilities.

The University of Kansas recognizes that impactful programs are those that transcend theory and translate into meaningful results. By challenging students to apply evidence-based practices and teaching methodologies, these programs prepare them to address the unique learning needs of students with disabilities and maximize their full potential.

Enhancing Learning Through Real-World Experiences

Practical application is at the core of the University of Kansas’ special education programs. Through partnerships with local schools, community organizations, and professionals in the field, students have the opportunity to observe, analyze, and implement best practices in real-world settings. This hands-on approach fosters a deep appreciation for the realities of working in special education and equips students with the tools they need to effect positive change.

In addition to real-world experiences, the programs also integrate contemporary research and evidence-based strategies into the curriculum. By staying abreast of the latest developments in the field, students are better prepared to address emerging challenges and contribute to ongoing advancements in special education.

“The University of Kansas’ special education programs provided me with the necessary knowledge, skills, and practical experiences to excel in my role as a special educator. The emphasis on real-world application allowed me to hit the ground running and make a meaningful impact in my students’ lives.” – Amanda, Special Education Graduate

Examples of Real-World Application in the Special Education Programs

Program Component Real-World Application
Internships and Externships Students work directly with students with disabilities in real classroom settings, supervised by experienced special education professionals.
Collaborative Projects Students collaborate with local schools and community organizations to develop and implement inclusive initiatives that address the unique needs of students with disabilities.
Case Studies and Simulations Students analyze and solve real-world case studies and participate in simulated classroom environments to develop practical skills for teaching students with disabilities.

Through these impactful programs, students are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of special education, advocate for inclusive practices, and positively impact the lives of their students, as well as their schools and communities.

Benefit from the Mentorship of Internationally Acclaimed Faculty

One of the key advantages of the special education programs at the University of Kansas is the opportunity to learn from internationally acclaimed faculty. These esteemed professors possess extensive experience in the field of special education and are dedicated to helping students succeed in their careers. Through their mentorship, students receive guidance, support, and valuable insights that enhance their educational journey.

Internationally acclaimed faculty members bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom, enriching the learning experience for students. Their diverse perspectives and research-based approach ensure that students gain a comprehensive understanding of best practices in special education.

The Expertise of Internationally Acclaimed Faculty

The internationally acclaimed faculty in the special education programs at the University of Kansas have earned recognition for their contributions to the field. They have published groundbreaking research, authored influential textbooks, and served in leadership roles in professional organizations. Their expertise covers a wide range of special education topics, including inclusive education, behavior management, assessment strategies, and assistive technology.

“The mentorship provided by our internationally acclaimed faculty sets our special education programs apart. Their dedication to supporting students and fostering success is unmatched. Through their mentorship, students gain valuable insights and develop the skills necessary to make a positive impact in the lives of students with disabilities.”

– Dr. Jessica Thompson, Department Chair of Special Education

During the program, students have the opportunity to engage with faculty members through interactive online discussions, one-on-one mentoring sessions, and collaborative research projects. The mentorship relationship extends beyond the classroom, as faculty members provide guidance on career development, networking opportunities, and professional growth. They serve as lifelong resources and mentors for students, even after graduation.

Testimonials from Students

“The mentorship I received from internationally acclaimed faculty at the University of Kansas has been invaluable. They provided personalized guidance, challenged me to grow, and inspired me to become a better special education professional. I feel confident in my abilities to make a difference in the lives of students with disabilities, thanks to their mentorship.”

– Sarah Davidson, Special Education Graduate

Through the mentorship of internationally acclaimed faculty, students in the special education programs at the University of Kansas gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to excel in their careers. The guidance and support provided by these esteemed professors ensure that students are prepared to make a positive impact in the field of special education.

Benefits of Mentorship
Personalized guidance and support
Access to valuable insights and expertise
Networking opportunities and professional growth
Enhanced knowledge and skills in special education
Confidence to make a positive impact

Gain a Toolkit of Resources and Techniques to Positively Impact Your Students and Your School

In the special education programs at the University of Kansas, we believe in equipping our students with a diverse toolkit of resources and techniques that can have a positive impact on their students and their school communities. Our programs are designed to provide educators with the knowledge and skills they need to create inclusive and supportive learning environments for students with disabilities.

Through our programs, students have the opportunity to learn a variety of assessment tools, inclusive teaching methods, research-based interventions, and strategies for supporting students with disabilities in their transition to adulthood. We believe that by empowering educators with these valuable resources and techniques, they can make a significant difference in the lives of their students and contribute to the overall success of their schools.

Our curriculum is designed to address the unique needs of students with disabilities and prepare educators to meet those needs effectively. By gaining a deep understanding of the challenges faced by students with disabilities and learning evidence-based strategies, our students are better equipped to provide appropriate support and facilitate their educational growth.

Assessment Tools

Assessment is a crucial aspect of special education, as it helps educators identify students’ strengths, weaknesses, and individualized educational needs. At the University of Kansas, we provide our students with a range of assessment tools and techniques, enabling them to accurately evaluate their students’ progress and tailor instruction accordingly.

Inclusive Teaching Methods

Inclusive teaching is at the core of our special education programs. We emphasize the importance of creating inclusive learning environments where students with disabilities can thrive alongside their peers. Our students learn effective strategies and methods for ensuring equal access to education, adapting instruction to diverse learning styles, and promoting collaboration among students.

Research-based Interventions

By delving into the latest research in special education, our students gain insights into evidence-based interventions that have proven to be successful in supporting students with disabilities. We explore interventions across various domains, including academic, behavioral, and social-emotional, to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to address the unique needs of each student.

Transition Strategies

Transitioning from school to post-school life is a critical phase for students with disabilities. Our programs equip educators with strategies for facilitating this transition, including vocational training, independent living skills, and community integration. We believe that preparing students for life beyond the classroom is essential for their long-term success and overall well-being.

By empowering our students with a toolkit of resources and techniques, we aim to foster positive change not only in individual students’ lives but also in the wider school community. Through their knowledge and skills, our graduates go on to make a lasting impact on the academic and personal growth of students with disabilities.

Benefits of our Toolkit Impact Areas
Enhanced student engagement Inclusive classrooms
Improved academic outcomes Educational equity
Better behavior management Social-emotional development
Smooth transition to adulthood Post-school success

Explore a Rewarding Career with Our Online Master’s in Special Education Program

The online Master’s in Special Education program at the University of Kansas is a pathway to a rewarding career in the field. Equipped with comprehensive knowledge and relevant skills, graduates are prepared to make a significant impact in the lives of students with disabilities. This program also provides excellent opportunities for career advancement, ensuring that educators can enhance their professional trajectory.

Designed with the specific needs of special education professionals in mind, our online Master’s in Special Education program offers flexible learning options that fit into busy schedules. The curriculum focuses on inclusive teaching methods, assessment tools, research-based interventions, and strategies for supporting students with disabilities, providing a comprehensive toolkit for educators working in this rewarding field.

Benefits of Our Online Master’s in Special Education Program:

  • Gain the skills and knowledge needed to support students with disabilities
  • Enhance your understanding of inclusive teaching methods
  • Expand your toolkit of assessment tools and research-based interventions
  • Develop strategies for effectively supporting students with disabilities in their transition to adulthood
  • Access flexible online learning options for convenient studying
  • Advance your career in the field of special education

Graduates of our online Master’s in Special Education program have gone on to pursue fulfilling careers as special education teachers, instructional specialists, behavior analysts, and educational consultants. Whether you’re just starting your journey in special education or looking to advance your career, our program offers the educational foundation and support you need to achieve your goals.

the online Master's in Special Education program

With a focus on practical application and real-world scenarios, our online Master’s in Special Education program equips you with the skills to make a positive impact in the lives of students with disabilities. Through mentorship from internationally acclaimed faculty members, you’ll receive guidance and support from professionals with extensive experience in the field.

“The online Master’s in Special Education program at the University of Kansas provided me with the knowledge and practical skills needed to succeed in my career as a special education teacher. The flexibility of the program allowed me to continue working while pursuing my degree, and I am now equipped to make a positive impact in the lives of my students.” – Sarah Thompson, Alumni

By choosing to pursue a Master’s in Special Education online, you open doors to a range of rewarding career opportunities. The demand for qualified special education professionals continues to grow, making this a field with ample opportunities for career advancement. Whether you aspire to teach, lead, or research, our program prepares you for success in your chosen path.

Embark on a journey of professional growth and make a meaningful difference in the lives of students with disabilities. Take the next step towards a rewarding career in special education by enrolling in our online Master’s in Special Education program at the University of Kansas.

Enriching lives and enhancing outcomes for students with disabilities

The online special education programs at the University of Kansas are dedicated to enriching the lives and enhancing the outcomes of students with disabilities. These programs provide educators, professionals, and family members with the knowledge and skills they need to support students in achieving their full potential.

At the University of Kansas, we understand the unique strengths and needs of individuals with disabilities. Our programs place a strong emphasis on promoting inclusive teaching methods that empower students and foster a sense of belonging. By embracing diversity and embracing the potential in every student, we aim to create inclusive learning environments where all students can thrive.

Supporting Student Success

Our special education programs are designed to equip educators with the tools and strategies they need to make a difference in the lives of students with disabilities. Through coursework, practical experiences, and mentorship from internationally acclaimed faculty, students gain a deep understanding of evidence-based practices and interventions.

“Every student has the ability to learn and succeed. As educators, it is our responsibility to provide the necessary support and accommodations to ensure that all students can reach their highest potential.”

Through our programs, educators learn to develop individualized education plans, implement inclusive teaching strategies, and create supportive learning environments. By addressing the unique needs of each student, educators can help them overcome barriers and achieve academic and personal success.

Creating Inclusive Learning Environments

Inclusive teaching methods are at the heart of our special education programs. Educators learn to create classrooms that celebrate diversity and honor the unique abilities and strengths of all students. By providing differentiated instruction, adapting materials, and fostering collaborative learning opportunities, educators can create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for students with disabilities.

Quotes from our Graduates

“The online special education program at the University of Kansas has transformed my teaching practice. I feel confident in my ability to meet the needs of my students with disabilities and create an inclusive learning environment that values their unique strengths.” – Julie Thompson, Special Education Teacher

“The knowledge and skills I gained from the special education program at the University of Kansas have allowed me to make a lasting impact on the lives of students with disabilities. I am proud to be part of a profession that promotes inclusivity and helps students reach their full potential.” – Mark Johnson, Special Education Coordinator

Through our online special education programs, we are committed to preparing educators who can make a positive impact in the lives of students with disabilities. Join us in our mission to enrich lives and enhance outcomes for students with disabilities.

Choose the Right Specialization for Your Career Goals

When pursuing a career in special education, it’s essential to choose a specialization that aligns with your career goals and interests. The University of Kansas offers a range of specialized programs, allowing you to tailor your education to meet your specific needs.

Whether you have a passion for working with students with high incidence disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, or want to focus on special education leadership, there is a program that can help you achieve your career aspirations.

Inclusive Teaching Specialization

For educators who are passionate about creating inclusive learning environments for students with disabilities, the inclusive teaching specialization provides the necessary skills and knowledge. This program equips you with research-based strategies, assessment tools, and inclusive teaching methods to effectively support the diverse needs of your students.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialization

If you have a particular interest in working with students on the autism spectrum, the autism spectrum disorder specialization can provide you with the expertise you need. This program focuses on evidence-based practices, interventions, and strategies to support individuals with autism spectrum disorder in various educational settings.

Special Education Leadership Specialization

For those who aspire to take on leadership roles in special education, the special education leadership specialization is an ideal choice. This program prepares you to make a difference at the administrative level, equipping you with the skills in program development, policy implementation, and advocacy to positively impact the field of special education.

By choosing the right specialization, you can enhance your knowledge, skills, and expertise in your chosen area of special education, allowing you to excel in your career and make a lasting impact on the lives of students with disabilities.

Specialization Key Features
Inclusive Teaching – Research-based inclusive teaching methods
– Assessment tools for diverse student needs
– Strategies for promoting inclusivity
Autism Spectrum Disorder – Evidence-based practices for individuals with autism
– Interventions and strategies for ASD students
– Support in various educational settings
Special Education Leadership – Program development and administration skills
– Policy implementation and advocacy
– Making a lasting impact at the administrative level

Accelerate your career with an online Master’s in Special Education

Are you looking to advance your career in special education? The online Master’s in Special Education program at the University of Kansas is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to excel in your role as a special educator and accelerate your career.

Why choose our online Master’s in Special Education program?

  1. Comprehensive curriculum: Our program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics relevant to special education, including inclusive teaching strategies, assessment techniques, behavior management, and educational law.
  2. Flexible learning options: With our online program, you have the flexibility to study at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home. This allows you to balance your studies with your work and personal commitments.
  3. Expert faculty: Our program is taught by expert faculty who have extensive experience in the field of special education. They bring real-world knowledge and insights into the virtual classroom, providing you with valuable guidance and mentorship.
  4. Career advancement opportunities: Graduates of our program have reported salary increases and have successfully advanced their careers in the field of special education. Our program prepares you for leadership roles and equips you with the skills to make a significant impact in your school or district.
  5. Recommendation from graduates: Many of our graduates highly recommend our online Master’s in Special Education program. They credit the program for providing them with the knowledge and confidence to succeed in their professional lives.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to accelerate your career in special education. Enroll in our online Master’s in Special Education program and take the first step towards a fulfilling and rewarding career.

Benefits of Our Online Master’s in Special Education Program Testimonials from Our Graduates
Comprehensive curriculum covering key topics in special education “The program provided me with a strong foundation in special education and equipped me with the necessary skills to support my students.”
– Emily, Special Education Teacher
Flexible learning options to accommodate your schedule “Being able to study online allowed me to pursue my master’s degree while working full-time. It was a game-changer for my career.”
– Michael, Special Education Coordinator
Expert faculty with real-world experience in special education “The faculty members were incredibly knowledgeable and supportive, providing me with invaluable guidance throughout my studies.”
– Sarah, Special Education Consultant
Career advancement opportunities in the field of special education “Since completing the program, I have been able to take on a leadership role in my school district. It has been an amazing career opportunity.”
– Jason, Special Education Director

Don’t wait any longer. Accelerate your career with our online Master’s in Special Education program at the University of Kansas. Apply now and unlock your potential in the field of special education.

Understand the Difference Between a Master’s Degree, Graduate Certificate, and Licensure Endorsement

When considering postgraduate education in special education, it’s essential to understand the differences between a master’s degree, graduate certificate, and licensure endorsement. Each option offers unique benefits and opportunities for professional growth in the field of special education.

Master’s Degree

A master’s degree is an advanced graduate degree that requires an undergraduate degree for admission. It provides in-depth knowledge and expertise in special education and prepares individuals for leadership roles and advanced teaching positions. Graduates with a master’s degree in special education often have a deep understanding of evidence-based practices, inclusive teaching methods, and research in the field. This comprehensive education equips them with the skills needed to make a positive impact on students with disabilities and promote inclusive learning environments.

Graduate Certificate

Graduate certificates are a recognition of specialized training in a specific area of special education. They are typically shorter in duration compared to master’s degree programs and focus on developing specific skills or knowledge in a targeted area. Graduate certificates can be an excellent option for individuals who already have a master’s degree in a different field but want to gain additional expertise in special education. These certificates allow professionals to enhance their qualifications and expand their career prospects in the field of special education.

Licensure Endorsement

Licensure endorsements are designed for teachers who want to add a special education endorsement to their existing teaching licenses. These endorsements validate an educator’s expertise and competence in working with students with disabilities. By completing a licensure endorsement program, teachers acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively support and advocate for students with diverse learning needs. Licensure endorsements can open doors to new job opportunities and expand the range of students educators can serve.

“Earning a master’s degree in special education provides a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the field, while graduate certificates and licensure endorsements offer targeted training and validation of expertise in specific areas.”

Understanding the differences between a master’s degree, graduate certificate, and licensure endorsement is crucial for individuals considering further education in special education. Each option offers unique pathways to enhance knowledge, skills, and career opportunities in this rewarding field.

Choose the concentration that matches your interests and goals

The University of Kansas offers a range of special education concentrations within their online Master’s in Special Education program. Whether you are passionate about working with students on the autism spectrum, promoting inclusive education, supporting students with high incidence disabilities, or facilitating the transition of students into secondary education, there is a concentration that aligns with your interests and career goals.

Each concentration within the program offers specialized coursework, degrees, licensures, and certificates tailored to meet the specific needs of graduate students. By choosing the concentration that matches your interests and goals, you can gain in-depth knowledge and skills in your area of specialization, preparing you for a successful career in special education.

Concentration 1: Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Autism Spectrum Disorder concentration focuses on understanding and supporting individuals with autism. Students in this concentration learn evidence-based strategies for promoting social and academic development, developing individualized education plans, and fostering inclusive environments. Graduates of this concentration are equipped to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals with autism and their families.

Concentration 2: Leadership in Inclusive and Special Education

The Leadership in Inclusive and Special Education concentration prepares students to take on leadership roles in special education settings. This concentration emphasizes the development of leadership skills, advocacy for inclusive practices, and the implementation of effective instructional strategies. Graduates of this concentration are prepared to lead inclusive education initiatives and drive positive change in their schools and communities.

Concentration 3: High Incidence Disabilities

The High Incidence Disabilities concentration focuses on the unique needs and challenges faced by students with high incidence disabilities, such as learning disabilities and emotional/behavioral disorders. Students in this concentration gain knowledge and skills in assessment, intervention strategies, and individualized instruction. Graduates of this concentration are prepared to support students with high incidence disabilities in reaching their full potential.

Concentration 4: Secondary Special Education and Transition

The Secondary Special Education and Transition concentration focuses on preparing students to support students with disabilities in their transition from school to adulthood. Students in this concentration learn about transition planning, vocational training, and community-based supports. Graduates of this concentration are equipped to assist students in successfully transitioning to post-school settings and navigating the challenges of adulthood.

By choosing the concentration that aligns with your interests and career goals, you can gain the specialized knowledge and skills needed to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students with disabilities. The University of Kansas offers a comprehensive and flexible online Master’s in Special Education program that allows you to pursue your passion and advance your career in the field of special education.


Pursuing a master’s in special education online can provide individuals with the opportunity to develop inclusive teaching skills, advance their careers, and make a positive impact in the lives of students with disabilities. The online programs at the University of Kansas offer flexible education options and specialized coursework to meet the needs and interests of graduate students. By choosing the right program and specialization, individuals can embark on a journey of excellence in the field of special education.


What specializations are offered in the online Master’s in Special Education program at the University of Kansas?

The online Master’s in Special Education program at the University of Kansas offers specializations in high incidence disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, secondary special education and transition, and special education leadership.

What makes the special education programs at the University of Kansas unique?

The special education programs at the University of Kansas are grounded in real-world application, providing students with practical knowledge and skills that they can apply directly in their work. The programs are designed to help students make a positive impact in their schools and communities.

Who teaches the special education programs at the University of Kansas?

The special education programs at the University of Kansas are taught by internationally acclaimed faculty who have extensive experience in the field of special education. These faculty members provide guidance, support, and valuable insights to students throughout their program.

What resources and techniques will I learn in the special education programs at the University of Kansas?

The special education programs at the University of Kansas provide students with a toolkit of resources and techniques to positively impact students with disabilities and their schools. Students learn assessment tools, inclusive teaching methods, research-based interventions, and strategies for supporting students with disabilities in their transition to adulthood.

How can an online Master’s in Special Education program enhance my career?

An online Master’s in Special Education program from the University of Kansas can provide you with the knowledge and skills to support students with disabilities and make a positive impact in their lives. The program also offers opportunities for career advancement in the field of special education.

Can I choose a specialization that aligns with my career goals and interests?

Yes, the University of Kansas offers multiple specializations in their special education programs. You can choose the specialization that aligns with your career goals and interests, whether you are interested in working with students with high incidence disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, or focusing on special education leadership.

What are the different options for postgraduate education in special education?

The University of Kansas offers master’s degrees, graduate certificates, and licensure endorsements in special education. A master’s degree is an advanced graduate degree that requires an undergraduate degree for admission. Graduate certificates are recognition of specialized training and usually take less time to complete. Licensure endorsements are for teachers who want to add a special education endorsement to their existing teaching licenses.

How can I choose the right specialization for my career goals?

The University of Kansas offers four concentrations within their special education program: autism spectrum disorder, leadership in inclusive and special education, high incidence disabilities, and secondary special education and transition. Each concentration has different degrees, licensures, and certificates tailored to meet the needs of graduate students.

What are the benefits of pursuing a master’s in special education online?

Pursuing a master’s in special education online can provide individuals with the opportunity to develop inclusive teaching skills, advance their careers, and make a positive impact in the lives of students with disabilities. The online programs at the University of Kansas offer flexible education options and specialized coursework to meet the needs and interests of graduate students.

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