The importance of respect in the family

From the very beginning of our social life, we need to prove ourselves to others, to be respected. At preschool, school, college, and in our jobs, others see us through our ability to participate, our education and general knowledge, the money we earn, through the services we provide to people, and many other things. However, there should be one place, where people should be respected unconditionally and that is the family.

At home, respect between parents is paramount. If the parents do not respect each other, the children feel it and this has a huge impact on them. You often have a situation where a child asks his mother a question, and then he asks his father the same question. Children do this because parents give them different answers and they can choose who they will listen to.

Often times, a parent thinks they know better how to handle children and need to control them. It could be either mom or dad. It is wrong for your husband to discipline your child and interrupt in front of him and correct him or tell him that he is wrong. Later, you will realize that your children use those situations between you, when you do not agree. It is difficult when you cannot handle your child but you cannot ask your husband or wife to help you because you have destroyed his or her authority. It’s also sad when you realize what a good parent he is but you never give him a chance because you knew better.

What is important, when you realize that you have made a buying error destroying the authority of your husband or wife, is that you start acting as one. You need to agree on how you will discipline your children and what limits they cannot cross. This will only work if you are consistent and give your child a clear message about what behavior is and is not.

You do this for your family. Respect is an essential component of family relationships. How your children will grow up and what kind of young people they will become, it all depends on whether they grow up in a family where people love and respect each other.

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